Okay, so I'm not a very good blogger...
mood: determined
music: Miss Independent - Kelly Clarkson
Two months since my last post--good heavens! How do people manage to blog several times a day? Do they live at their computers? Have nothing better to do? Have such exciting lives that they just can't wait to record them?
I don't know. I guess I'll just have to resolve (once again) to do better. It's going to be a busy month with income taxes to do, workshop homework to keep on top of, and Emily's birthday party to plan and execute, to say nothing of the myriad houshold projects and plantings underway. I guess if I blog regularly this month I can pat myself on the back.
I don't know about the rest of you, but I have to say this kind of thing scares me to death: click over and read Waiter, There's a Drug in my Rice at Wired News. Are people insane, that they think this is a good idea?
One good thing happened last night--I came up with a great idea for the story I have to write for the workshop. Now all I have to do it write it...