Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Poor neglected blog...

Hello, Blog, I've neglected you terribly over the summer. However, I seem to be thinking of all sorts of things lately that I want to say, so your time of loneliness might be almost over.

One interesting thing I learned this summer concerned hummingbirds. I have a feeder on the kitchen window and it was very busy all summer. There were at least three different birds, two males and a female, whom I learned to distinguish, and there may have been more who just didn't look quite unique enough from these three. Now, hummingbirds are unquestionably beautiful and amazing little things, especially this ruby-throated variety. But they are also scrappy little fighters, who will swoop and dive and chirp in a very scolding way if two happen to arrive at the feeder at the same time. This doesn't diminish their attractiveness for me; in fact I think it makes them more interesting. Maybe that's the writer in me. Everything's better with a dash of conflict...

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