Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Decisions, decisions

Over the past week I've been trying, unsuccessfully, to get back to The Seventh Crow. I did some preliminary work; gathered up all my notes, the hard copy I was working on most recently, opened the file and checked a few things. Oh, yes, and told myself that I couldn't do NaNoWriMo if I didn't have it finished.

However, I can't get started.

I know, this seems unprofessional of me. What if an editor was waiting for this rewrite? I'd have to just buckle down and do it then, so why can't I do it now?

Because an editor is NOT waiting for it, I suppose. I know that all my deadlines are self-imposed and thus...negotiable.

But still, I have a very strong urge to get a novel manuscript finished and in submission. For some reason it's very important that I do this right away.

Soooooo...tonight I started looking at One's Aspect To The Sun again. I know, I know, it's almost a year since I looked at it. I opened the file and found where I'd stopped working on it, realized with dread that I have no idea where I was going with that section. To get back into the groove, I will have to print out the whole thing in its current marked-up, messed-up state and start reading from the beginning.

However, that's exactly what I'm going to do. I feel excited about this story, these characters again. I think it's solid; I think it has legs. I want to run with it.

So I made a minor change to my self-imposed deadline: as long as I finish ONE novel manuscript before November, I will let myself do NaNoWriMo. I think that's fair.

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