Wednesday, May 21, 2008

More Poetry

A little something from Shel Silverstein today, one that I think calls out especially to writers...


If you are a dreamer, come in.
If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar,
A hope-er, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer . . .
If you're a pretender, come sit by my fire,
For we have some flax golden tales to spin.
Come in!
Come in!

~Shel Silverstein
Where The Sidewalk Ends

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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Al Purdy Remembered

Al Purdy was a Canadian poet--one with whom I was not terribly familiar for a long time. He passed away in 2000 at the age of 81, and today in Toronto a statue of him was unveiled. They were discussing this, and Purdy's poetry, on CBC radio this morning and the following poem was read. I thought it was absolutely wonderful and had to look for it on the Web, and was overjoyed to find it. I'm sharing it here in hopes that some of you may look up Al Purdy and enjoy more of his writing.


I loved being alive
to stand between earth and sky
in springtime
a great organ playing in your bones
when earth moves
under your feet
over the long Sundays of our lives

– to feel your insides changing
and writhe from loss
and knowing the loss has added
to you and what you are
and clinging to life
that makes such gifts

– to feel
that your own absence may be counted
a continual presence
an outward movement
to change the future
where you are entirely unknown

– to feel your brain
lifting to stand on tip-toe
your feet pushing against the clouds

– to climb the steps of your own writing
and fall off at the highest point
and know that in falling far enough
discover what you were climbing for
and fall short of the sun

– to feel your body crumble
as the high places of earth crumble
the Athenian Acropolis and Machu Picchu
and join them as an idea
springing to life
in flesh and stone

© Al Purdy, 2000

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Today's Refrigerator Poetry

While we were on vacation last week, I picked up a new set of fridge poetry magnets. Now we have twice as many words to play with, so it was not surprising that some new poetry appeared on the fridge today. In a household where the ages range from 8 to 44, with many comings and goings by friends and family as well, it is always interesting to see what turns up. They are, as usual, anonymous.


bring me books
to show your love
these strange devices of
spine and page and word
story chemistry
language mystery
beautiful worlds
and I will open
the library of my heart

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Tuesday, May 06, 2008

The Chocolate Oracle

So many things I'm trying to catch up on, but I'd also like to stop ignoring my blog. Today I have consulted the Chocolate Oracle for some insight...

What Your Taste in Chocolate Says About You

You are sophisticated, modern, and high class.

Your taste is refined, but you are not picky.

You are often the first to try something new.

You are down to earth and lovable.

A true friend, you're very tolerant and understanding.

In fact, your friends' biggest problem is that they don't like each other!

You love new adventures and activities. You enjoy living a full life, even if it is chaotic.

You feel lost when things are quiet. You rather not think... you prefer to just do!

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Monday, May 05, 2008

Pirate Name

Yes, it's been a while. I've been busy, not busy, out of town, and many other things, but I think I'm back now. :) With the results of a quiz I just took:

My pirate name is:

Mad Charity Flint

Every pirate is a little bit crazy. You, though, are more than just a little bit. Like the rock flint, you're hard and sharp. But, also like flint, you're easily chipped, and sparky. Arr!

Get your own pirate name from
part of the network
