A month?

Wow, I knew I didn't have time to blog lately, but I can't believe it's been a month! Well, maybe I can. I've certainly been busy.
Mostly with editing. And critiquing. I'm editing stories for the Undercurrents anthology, stories for my writing group, my own work, and articles for a Second Life magazine, of which I'm a junior editor. Also critiquing stories for my online critique group and a couple of outside projects. I'm trying to clear other things away so that I can do a final pass on my novel, but it's hard to get everything else off the list. Maybe I have to re-arrange some priorities.
June is always a busy month with school ending, but the busy-ness seemed to start in May this year, so it's been a hectic couple of months. However, grading day is Friday--hurray! Can't wait to get away from the schedule for a while. And summer has finally arrived here, after a non-existent spring.
The artwork at the top of this post represents the other creative outlet I've had lately--digital space art. It's been fun learning how to create the effects I want, and a great way to unwind after a load of editing. :) I have a small gallery at http://wordsmith101.deviantart.com/gallery/ (check it out and tell me what you like/don't like), and a gallery (A Space for Dreams) in Second Life as well. If you are in SL and would like to visit, the SLurl is http://slurlcom/secondlife/Foxboro/136/178/245.
Maybe I will get back to blogging now. Although I still have a lot on the go, I do feel that some of the pressure has eased.
Labels: art, blogging, internet, Second Life, writing