Tuesday, March 13, 2007

A Big Fat Lie

I snagged this from Helen's blog (isn't that where I find most of my memes? oh, well). Below I am going to tell five true things about myself, and one big fat lie. It will be up to you to guess (and please leave a comment with your guess) which one is the lie. Sound like fun? Here goes:

1. I have a photo of myself wearing a live snake around my neck like a tie. It was taken on my honeymoon.

2. I was the valedictorian at my high school graduation.

3. Even though I spent six years in university living away from home, I have never been drunk (maybe tipsy enough that I wouldn't drive a car, but not DRUNK).

4. I have hiked up mountains in two Canadian provinces, and stood on a glacier in a third.

5. I have at various times been bitten by a horse, a rabbit, a dog, a cat, a guinea pig, and a mouse.

6. I once entered a dance marathon but didn't make it into the top ten finalists.

Which one is the big fat lie?

And now for the truth...

1. TRUE! Here's the picture:

2. TRUE! I probably still have the speech around somewhere. When I think about it now it was likely rather sappy and sentimental, but at the time I was very pleased with it.

3. TRUE! I've never really understood folks who need to get "loaded" to have a good time. I also like being in control (although I don't think I'm a control freak).

4. TRUE! I've hiked mountains in Nova Scotia and also Gros Morne in Newfoundland. Here's me standing on the glacier in (I think) 1981. It's the Athabasca Glacier, part of the Columbia IceFields, and the picture was taken in Jasper National Park, Alberta.

5. LIE! I've been bitten by a horse, a rabbit and a cat, but never by a dog, a guinea pig or a mouse, although they've all had opportunities. The horse attacked me while I was riding another horse, grabbed me by the side and pulled me right out of the saddle. I had to get a tetanus shot. The friend I was riding with laughed so hard he fell off his own horse.

6. TRUE! The dance marathon was a fundraiser in high school, but my erstwhile boyfriend and dance partner turned up drunk so we didn't get very far. That was also the end of the relationship and probably part of the reason behind truth #3. ;-)

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Blogger McDoogle said...

it's #3

11:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it's #4 because once you said you had a bad back. A dance marathon might not put too much strain on the back (depending on the kind of dance) but hiking up mountains would. That's why I'm going for #4!

12:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is really, really hard. In all honesty, I have no idea, but I'm going with the dance marathon. Why? Hmmm, the other just sound true!

12:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heh, this is cool! Not that it's cool to be bitten by a horse. That must have been scary. I wouldn't have been laughing.

I love the photos. I take it the snake wasn't poisonous?

11:21 PM  

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