Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Sherry likes to...

I snagged this hilarious meme from my sister Krista--in fact we just spent a long time on the phone doing these for all our family members and laughing about the results.

The instructions: Go to Google and type in quotation marks your name and then "likes to" (ex. "Tom likes to"). Post the first ten things that come up. Does it sound anything like you?

1. In her spare time, Sherry likes to read, forage for mushrooms, canoe, hike and quilt. (um, I do like reading and hiking...)

2. Sherry likes to play the banjo and collects tacky antiques, such a lamp of 2 frogs kissing! (

3. But Sherry likes to go at her own speed. (true enough)

4. Sherry likes to be random. (maybe sometimes...if I understand what this even means)

5. Sherry likes to be "on the edge," as she describes it. (don't know if I'm really very "edgy")

6. In her spare time, Sherry likes to paint and she also sings in the Arkansas Chamber Singers. (I'm a long way from Arkansas!)

7. Certainly, Sherry devotes himself earnestly to the study of Conrad, but Conrad remains a giant whose feet are the only thing that Sherry likes to look at. (okay, that's just frightening)

8. Sherry likes to be asked to do things by the teacher. (actually I always was a bit of a teacher's pet...)

9. Sherry and Terry like to ride their bicycles at the playground. (my husband's name is Terry!)

10. Sherry likes to teach each client how to protect their own energy field. (errr...)

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