Thursday, July 05, 2007

Catching up...sort of...

In a way I can't believe it's been a month since I've written anything here, and in another way it's completely understandable. June is such a busy month--everything seems to explode at once. Numerous events as school wraps up, birthdays abound, the yard and garden suddenly need hours and hours of attention, weddings start cropping up, and vacation plans must be made. Seems that if it's not on this list, it's not getting done.

So here it is, the night before we leave on vacation, and I'm finally getting a minute to sit down. I should be working on The Scriptorium, but I'm thinking I'll just have to do a few minor updates to the page in the morning (if I have time) and call it a mini-issue. My plan was for a big July/August issue but that just hasn't happened.

Writing has been similarly abandoned by the wayside, although two new story ideas have been bouncing around in my head and I hope to work them into a little better shape while we drive west for long hours. I still have six story subs out; I'm hoping that I don't come home to a mailbox filled with rejection slips in a couple of weeks. Ah well, if I do, it will give me something to dive right into.

I have four books in my bag ready to go tomorrow: Orphans of Chaos by John C. Wright, which is a fascinating read but sometimes makes my head hurt when the main character is describing how she can see into the fourth dimension; the Nebula Awards Showcase 2007 edited by Mike Resnick, which I'm enjoying hugely; The Ethical Imagination by Margaret Somerville, from her CBC Massey Lectures Series; and Goblin Hero by Jim C. Hines, which I'm hoping to get to soon because I can't wait to find out what happens to Jig next.

At any rate, I think we'll have Internet access for most of the trip, so I may be blogging my way to Ontario and back...we'll see how it works out.

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