Thursday, July 26, 2007

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (no spoilers!)

Today I finished reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I asked my husband to pick it up after work on Tuesday, since the copy I had ordered from was just not arriving quickly enough. My kids are amazed that I read it so quickly, but I will say that I found it to be a page-turner. There was none of the sidetracked wandering that seemed to characterize Order of the Phoenix, which I had worried about a bit since Deathly Hallows is also quite long. I have read someone else opine that Rowling has become a better writer over the course of the series, and I have to agree. But that's what we writers are always told, practice, practice, practice!

All in all, and without giving anything away, I think the author tied everything up very neatly and satisfactorily. I enjoyed the book and can't wait until some of my friends have finished and are ready to discuss it!



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