Sunday, September 02, 2007

Clean and Tidy Office

Last night I sat down to go through the set of multicolored index cards that serves as an outline for my novel. When I lay them out, they allow me to see the progression of each plotline and subplot of the story, since each one is recorded, scene by scene, on its own color of index card.

Problem number one: only about half the index cards were there. I had them divided into two sets, one for the first part of the novel and one for the second part. Only the second part set was where I expected them both to be. A hunt for the missing cards ensued.

Problem number two: once I had gone through all my materials for this novel (several printouts, a binder, a couple of folders...oh, you've seen the picture...once I'd gone through all of that without success, the next place to search was my office.

I tried to search, but my office was really such a mess that it was futile. Nothing lost could be found until everything out of place was properly stowed and all the un-dealt-with stuff dealt with.

So today I cleaned my office. It took almost the whole day, with a brief respite for family time this afternoon. It looks wonderful. My writing area is organized and begging me to write. My art area is clean and tidy and waiting for me to draw.

But I didn't find my cards. I guess I won't find them until AFTER I've made new ones. Isn't that the way these things usually go?

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