Sunday, November 09, 2008

Spring in November?

There are purple crocuses blooming in my garden right now. That's an oddity in this part of the world for November. A good friend remarked that she hoped her 12-year-old son doesn't see them, as he's already worried about global warming.

Actually, he doesn't have to worry, since these are fall-blooming crocuses anyway. They're not a sign that anything is wrong, they're just doing what they're supposed to do, when they're supposed to do it. It's all good. I'm not certain that planting them was actually a good idea on my part...I did it for some fall colour/interest in the garden, but seeing them now has had the effect of reminding me how far away spring really is.

What's really sad about the whole thing is that kids have to worry about these things. Some of them are aware enough to know that the problems we've been making are going to be theirs to inherit.

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Blogger The Wabbit said...

On the east coast, we've had days where the temperature is 70/75 degrees and things that aren't really supposed to be blooming, are. I've had grasses and plants I'd trimmed for winter sprouting new green leaves lately.... until today. Temperatures are now in the 40's and becoming much more seasonal. Soon I'll be able to cut down the remaining flowers... :(

10:20 PM  
Blogger Sherry said...

It has to come some time, but how we love these unseasonably warm days, trying to fool ourselves that winter is NOT just around the corner... ;)

Thanks for stopping by!

11:36 PM  

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