Procrastination or just life?
mood: frustrated
music: none
Thus far, of the four stories I planned to edit this month I've I'm trying to work on another but, wow, it's hard going. Am I procrastinating because I don't feel right about the story? Is my subconscious trying to tell me something? Or am I just plain lazy? I don't know, but it's making me annoyed.
Here's something cute. Have you ever used Yahoo maps? You know the ones that give you detailed directions to just about anywhere? Here's a link to Frodo's map.
Oh, a rejection arrived yesterday--first one of the New Year. And even though I'd decided in retrospect that it wasn't a very desirable market (they wanted exclusivity for five years) was still a rejection. Sigh.
However, I'm not as blue as I was last January. So we'll be thankful for small mercies.
Back to work! Myself and anyone procrastinating by reading this blog!