Friday, November 05, 2004

Trudging along

mood: tired
music: Music from SF Movies and TV

Despite the antics of electoral distractions south of the border, recalcitrant characters, and a plot that just doesn't seem to want to get moving, I still have 9228 words after five days of NaNo. So far it's been a hard slog, and I'm hoping it will improve soon or I'll be exhausted just from trying to pump out the words. Hopefully the crew's arrival at the alien artifact and the ensuing...developments...will help to kick things into high gear.

But I need to make a few NaNo resolutions. 1) Stop reading political commentary. 2) Stop eating so much. 3) Stop allowing myself to be distracted by anything and everything.


Word Count: 9228
Body Count: 0
Plot Points: 4
Unexpected developments: 3
Coffee/Tea Consumed: 10
Dares taken/completed: 1/0
Aliens encountered: 1
Morale: 7/10

One thing I learned today: Encouragement from friends, if it comes at just the right time, makes all things possible.


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