Monday, October 25, 2004

Six days...

mood: Really, really tired
music: Klingon Imperial Theme

In six days I have to start writing a novel. Considering how I feel right now, that seems downright absurd. I still have three critiques to go, although fortunately one of them will be almost no work at all. Strange that I, the nit-pickiest of nit-pickers, could read an entire story without editing anything, but I believe it could happen with this one.

So, three crits to write, and one Halloween costume to sew (that's supposed to look like this, for heaven's sake), a NaNo kick-off chat to arrange, writing group meeting to attend...gee, anything else? Oh, Halloween itself, of course. Then at week's end, fresh as a daisy, I jump into noveling. Or at least that's the plan. Ha! Well, I still have hopes for some respite near the end of the week. If not, I'll just have to do my best, right? Operant Moon, here I come.

One thing I learned today: Long term bed rest has the same effect on the body's muscles as the zero gravity experienced in space


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