Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Monday, May 28, 2007
Seasonal and other changes
Looks like about two weeks since I posted here--not hard to tell that the changing season impacts the amount of time I have for the Internet, is it? Suddenly the garden needs hours and hours of work, to say nothing of an itch to start spring housecleaning.
Another thing that's taking up a lot of my time is this healthier lifestyle change our family is making. While we're all seeing the benefits (I've lost ten pounds so far!) there's no doubt that right now it's a big time consumer. I think that aspect of it will improve as new habits become ingrained. I can't complain much because I do feel (and look) great!
I've also been working on editing a story for submission, which is finally completed and I sent it off today. I also re-subbed a story that was rejected last week (or was it two weeks ago?). Writing time has unfortunately been taking the biggest hit with all these other demands on my time, but today I finally had a few hours to sit down and re-group, catch up on a few things. I think I need an entirely new organizational plan for my days, which I might take some time later and work out. I always find that having a plan is helpful. I can't always follow it to the letter, but I'm more likely to accomplish things that are in the plan.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Project Complete
I submitted the final draft of "Her Money's Worth" to the anthology with five days to spare before the deadline. It felt scary and wonderful to press the "Send" button! But I felt good about the story and pleased that I was able to write it to the deadline. Anything else would be fabulous, of course, but I'm happy with the experience already.
Labels: writing
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Well, of course I got sick again not long after my last post and it's been a struggle to keep up with the things that absolutely need doing, let alone writing anything here or working on my 43 Pieces project. Those things have included:
- finishing my anthology story. I think it's done, now it's just a matter of convincing myself of that and submitting it. Planning to do that within the next three days or so.
- working on The Scriptorium; May issue is almost ready to go online
- keeping up with homework for my writing workshop, which finishes up this Saturday. My chapter is one of the last ones to be critiqued, but my turn in the hot seat is finally coming.
- following my new SparkPeople healthy lifestyle plan. Getting back in shape is an absolute priority.
- reading for the first meeting of my GeekReads club this weekend
- laundry, cooking, childcare, etc.