Tuesday, November 06, 2007

123 Meme & NaNoWriMo

I picked up the 123 Meme from Helen's blog and thought I'd combine it with my current NaNo novel. The instructions for the meme are as follows:
Turn to page 123 in your work-in-progress. (If you haven’t gotten to page 123 yet, then turn to page 23. If you haven’t gotten there yet, then get busy and write page 23.) Count down four sentences and then instead of just the fifth sentence, give us the whole paragraph.

As it's early November days yet, I'm doing the page 23 thing. I'll give you two paragraphs, since the one I hit by doing the instructions is only one line long:

She crossed her arms and tilted her head at me. "I know you were just talking to Uncle Lanar. And I know it can't be good--about the Chron."

There was no point in trying to hide it, I supposed. The crew was going to figure things out for themselves anyway, they'd all been on the bridge and seen what had happened. Still, I hated to be the one to tell my daughter that another Chron war could be imminent. "He thinks we may be in for some trouble," I said carefully.

Although the novel got off to a slow start, things have started happening. I don't know what they mean yet, but it's beginning to get interesting. It's another crazy Tuesday when I won't get to write a thing until after about 9:30 tonight. I hope I'll be able to stay awake long enough to make my word count for the day.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

This sounds exciting. I'm guessing they're on a spaceship.

Aaaaahhhh, I know the feeling of not being able to sit down and write until 9.30pm, and I am so not an evening person. I'm not doing NaNoWriMo but I'm trying to finish section two of my novel and I'm already thinking I need a serious break! My brains are like pulp. I hope everything goes well and that you make your word count and that Tuesday isn't as crazy as it threatened to be!

10:12 PM  

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