Wednesday, November 28, 2007

NaNoWriMo Young Writers

I have to include a post this month concerning my group of Young Writers doing National Novel Writing Month this year. They are all so great! They're in junior high and high school, and have set goals ranging from 10k to 50k. I think we'll see a better than 50% success rate among these young participants, some of whom have already crossed their word count finish lines. Compare this to a rate of about 6% for all participants last year. Oh yes, these kids rock!

They're writing about a wide and wonderful range of things; magical schools made of food, coroners in New York City, knights and spies and fantastic worlds.

The high school students have had the support and encouragement of a wonderful English teacher who has really helped to keep them going and understands that they're doing something extraordinary. The world needs more teachers like this!

We're planning to celebrate with food and certificates and readings (although they're a little shy about that). It's been a real pleasure meeting with and supporting these young writers all month. And of course it's been extra motivation for me--I had to set a good example!

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