Monday, November 19, 2007

Guilty Pleasures

This meme has been doing the NaBloPoMo rounds and I'm all for jumping on the bandwagon when it looks like fun. However, I've had to think quite hard to complete it, and I still haven't done the requisite six for each question. Is this because I have so few guilty pleasures, or so many that are not fit for discussion in polite company? Assuredly the former.

Six guilty pleasures no one would suspect you of having:

1. I love to eat the first spoonful of hot Kraft Dinner straight out of the pot with a spoon. I know it's a nutritional bugaboo and try not to serve it to the kids TOO often, although they like it. I can take it or leave it except for that one spoonful. Mmmmm, so cheesy.

2. Dark chocolate (but not the ridiculously dark stuff that tastes like straight cocoa powder). This is a recurring theme in the blogs I've read so far.

3. Stationery/Office Supply stores. Oh, yes, I can wander those aisles for hours.

4. Drying my clothes in the dryer instead of outside. I really feel guilty about this because I know I should have a clothesline. And I won't be indulging this one past next spring.

5. Eating chocolate chips straight out of the bag (chocolate again?).

6. Dressing the way I want to, not the way anyone else thinks I should.

Six guilty pleasures you wish you had the courage to indulge:

1. I've sometimes thought about getting my hair highlighted, but since I've never had any kind of coloring done to my hair it's a bit daunting.

2. Go on a real writing retreat/intensive workshop. It's not just courage stopping me, it's the money, too, but courage is a part of it.

3. Getting rid of things in the house that I don't like but hold on to out of a sense of obligation.

4. Give myself more "time off" and let someone else worry about my responsibilities.

Six pleasures you once considered guilty but now have made peace with:
1. Spending a whole day reading if the book is just too good to put down.

2. Ordering pizza once in a while.

3. Coffee. Yeah, now it's good for you. And real coffee cream--I can cut the fat/calories somewhere else.

4. Not keeping the house absolutely spic-and-span. I have a certain comfort level now and I don't feel badly about it.

5. Saying "no" sometimes. This is a big problem for others in my family.

6. Sleeping late on the weekends.

Thanks to rosevita at for the chocolate pic!


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