Saturday, February 02, 2008

Domestic Goddess Day

That's just a more interesting way of saying that I spent the day housecleaning, doing laundry, and shopping for groceries. I also managed to install some programs on the new system, and my husband did some, too, so that job is progressing. Of course downloading and installing things is the easy part--transferring data and setting everything up the way I want it is the part I'm still dreading. At least we're labouring in a clean house now.

I also am trying very hard to view this in a more positive light. So far, I'm about 75% successful.

On a brighter note, I've got about 3000 words on a new short story, and I like how it's going so far. I've also realized that if I'm going to achieve my goal of reading 30 new books this year (which seems like a pretty modest number to me) I have to read more. I'm currently reading two books but haven't actually finished any yet, and now January's gone!

Here's another watercolor/dry pencil picture that I enjoyed doing:

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