Friday, February 01, 2008

A Glum Day

So my computer seems to have developed some sort of mental illness--it's sluggish and non-responsive much of the time and I can't figure out why. My dear husband has come to the rescue, done some wheeling and dealing and is in the process of building me a new one, bigger, better, faster, etc. Why am I still glum? Because this means that the day I dread is looming fast.

The day I have to re-install my computer.

I've managed to put it off literally for years, ignoring my husband's advice that a re-install is necessary once in a while to keep the machine running smartly. I'm sure he's right, it's just such a huge, huge job that it's always been too daunting. However, I can't avoid it any longer.

I've spent most of the day deciding what needs to go on the new system and what I never use anymore. I've deleted thousands of old emails so that transferring my data will be easier. It's been altogether a rather depressing task, and there are probably days and days of it ahead. Ugh!

I know, this is a terrible attitude. I should be grateful that I'll have a lovely new system when it's all said and done. I should be grateful that I have a computer at all!

Perhaps the rejection letter that came in today's mail has something to do with it. I suspect it does.

At any rate, I've stared at the screen absolutely as much as I can today. I'm going to go to bed and read for a while.

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