Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Burnt Out

mood: tired
music: Sugababes, Hole in the Head
Okay, so my new lease on life didn't last very long. I've come to the conclusion that I am Burnt Out, and I need a break. I've been trying to do just too much in the past month or so and it's all catching up with me. I need to zone out, read a few books, make a new plan and regroup.

Priorities. Have to set some. Well, I'm taking this online copyright course, so I'll have to keep up with that. Not too strenuous in itself. The stories I've been trying to finish up and get into submission--I think I'll just take 'em all to the next writing group meeting and dole them out for some feedback. That lets me forget about them for at least two weeks. I just sent a lurk notice to AFWD, so I'll stop feeling guilty about not answering any posts lately.

The downstairs renovations--now that's one thing I won't move to the back burner. In fact, I think I'll kick it up to the top of the list so that it can get finished and over with once and for all. If we can get that done and clean up all the mess I'll feel a whole lot better.

And the novel. I really wanted to start the rewrite this month, so if I feel like writing I'll work on that. And if I don't feel like writing I'll read. If I feel rejuvenated in a week or so I'll send out my query to Speculations, but I don't want that pressure right now.

Very good. I have a plan, and it seems like a good one. Hopefully it works. So I'm off to read for a while before bed, I think. I may start Stardust by Neil Gaiman. I'm giving up on The Thief Lord--just can't get into it.


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