Friday, August 25, 2006

Changing season...

Summer's almost over, school starts soon, and I'm trying to figure out ways to get my "writing head" back on. I've picked at things here and there over the summer but it's been difficult to feel in writing mode. I did send out some stories a few weeks ago, wrote a few pages on my YA novel, but that's about it. Even the Scriptorium has been languishing.

Now I'm starting to feel like it's time to get back to work, though. September always feels that way to me, as school and routines kick back in. Last week I had an email from NaNoWriMo reminding me that it was only 11 weeks away! And less than that now. So it seems like time to start getting back in the groove. I have two projects I'd like to finish up before November rolls around; totally do-able if I get to work (and if life holds off on the curve balls for a while).


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