Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Goal revisions

I've been able to work on The Seventh Crow a fair bit the past two days--nothing like the time I'd like to spend on it, but I am still getting back into the writing groove. However, I'm starting to think that the 65K word final count I had predicted for the first draft was a little low. I don't think I can wrap it up that quickly now that I've figured out what still has to happen. That's not what I was hoping, but it seems more realistic. I'm not sure what the end count will actually be--I'll have to get a little closer to the end before I can predict it, I guess. At least 70k, I'd say.

However I'm pleased with the progress I'm making so far. It feels good to be writing again, even if it's also hard work. My writing group meets tomorrow night, and it will be nice to report some actual progress. Haven't done that in a long time.


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