Tuesday, October 10, 2006

The numbers creep up

Tonight I finally passed the 70k word mark--it seemed like I would never get to it. Still a ways to go but I'm hoping for a good writing day tomorrow.

There's a wonderful video at Duirwaigh Gallery (make sure your speakers are turned on for the lovely music) that's sure to lend a bit of inpsiration if one is needed. I'm keeping the bookmark handy for NaNoWriMo.

I did my school library duty this morning--alone. There's only one other reliable volunteer besides me, and if she gets a call to work, of course she has to go. I find it hard to believe that there are no other parents with one morning a week to volunteer at the school. I think that the library is just so important--especially to the children whose parents might never take them to the regional library. At least I always feel appreciated there! No wonder. Apparently good volunteers are hard to find.


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