Saturday, March 24, 2007

Workshop thoughts

The first session of the writing workshop I'm attending was today. The guest presenters were two literary agents, Don Sedgwick and Shaun Bradley of Transatlantic Literary Agency. They were spectacular and it was a really great session. I came away from it thinking that agents may be much more accessible creatures than I had previously thought. Perhaps it was just these two lovely specimens, but it was a very positive experience.

They discussed many things over the course of the four-hour-plus session: what agents do and don't do, the many considerations that go into the buying, producing, and marketing of a books, the responsibilities of authors, and much more. I learned some new things and had other impressions and information confirmed firsthand.

One of the interesting things I did learn was the term "platform," as in, what is the "platform" of a prospective author. One's platform is comprised of many things, which taken together form the basis for predicting one's following or the potential audience for one's book. It is part writer's resume, part education, part social and professional network, part experience...all rolled into one concept.

So (if I understood correctly), my personal "platform" would include:
- my list of previous publications
- workshops and courses I've taken
- my network of contacts, in person and online
- my experience as editor/publisher of The Scriptorium
- my experience as copy editor with IROSF
- my educational background
- workshops I've conducted
- readings

It's interesting to consider what my "total package" looks like, or would look like to an agent or publisher. On that count I have no idea. But perhaps in the future, I'll find out. ;-) At least now I will know what's being discussed if the term comes up.


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