Monday, November 12, 2007

A NaNoWriMo first...

Well, it's a first for me, anyway. I've decided that I have to abandon my first novel attempt this year and switch to a new story.

The reason is simple enough: the first novel idea simply wasn't working for me. I didn't like it, I wasn't having any fun with it, and it wasn't going anywhere. It may be a novel I will be able to write at some time in the future, but this is not the time. I'm not sure why, although quite possibly the theme was just too serious for me to undertake right now. It's been a busy, stressful, and at times very sad few months, and perhaps my brain just needs something more cheerful to concentrate on.

Thus I've begun working on my second project this November, a humorous fantasy titled, "The Fifth Force." It's an idea I had long ago, and I'm feeling quite delighted to be finally working on it. I have a bit of catching up to do, but I think it is within my grasp.

My friend and fellow NaNo'er Nancy says that each time she does NaNoWriMo, she seems to "remember" how to do it--to get back into the groove of writing that required daily amount, of making the words come even when they don't want to. And yet, every year is also different from every other. I know exactly what she means.

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Blogger Nancy said...

oh good grief, Sherry!!!

it must have been really painful to make you give it up almost halfway through. you have my condolences and my congratulations on being brave enough to make the hard choices. it is always about having some fun along the way, isn't it?

talk to you soon!

9:08 PM  

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