Friday, November 07, 2003

A new low

mood: wry
music: hotel paper by michelle branch
So I'm not doing very well this year with my plan of getting up an hour early every morning and using that hour to get a head start on the days' word count. Some mornings I'm managing a half-hour or forty minutes, and the number of words is not stellar. This morning I hit a new low, however. 64 words in half an hour! I just kept reading over things I'd written previously, trying to get the wheels rolling. Abysmal! Now I have a big chunk to write tonight unless I can steal a little time between now and then.

If you need an interesting time-waster and are beginning to feel the stirrings of Return of the King excitement, you can click over to the Hobbit Namer and find out what your name would be if you were a Hobbit. There's also an Elven Namer if you feel you're more an elf-type.

There's an interesting summary about the asteroid Hermes here. Looking at the diagram of its highly elliptical orbit is somewhat chilling.


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