Monday, September 05, 2005

September swings in

mood: Quite good
music: Rob Thomas - Lonely No More

So I've just been over on the NaNoWriMo forums, browsing around and wondering what I'm going to write this November. Depending on how this novel rewrite goes, I suppose, I'll either be writing the third book in the series, or something completely different to give my brain a break.

Speaking of the rewrite, I did start it today. Just a little, a few paragraphs, but I feel better about it. I can do this. Sometimes it's best to just take a deep breath and dive in.

We took a lovely hike yesterday in the woods around New Harris, down to the lakeshore and then in to the waterfall. Very relaxing, even if some of us came back with wet feet. We went around the top of the waterfall, which I've never done before, and were amazed to find this tiny babbling brook feeding it.

With the summer winding down we've been trying to cram in as much fun and relaxation as possible, but I feel myself slipping into fall/winter mode. Ah, well, it had to happen. Once we all get through the first day of school on Thursday I'll heave a sigh of relief and get to some serious work on the rewrite.

One thing I learned today: It's best not to wear sandals in a corn maze.


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