Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Reports and musings

My word count stands at 72,084 right now and while things are definitely moving along now, I'm not exactly writing the denouement. So it looks like my 73K estimate is going to have to be revised upward again. Feels like I'll never see that bar completely green!

However, I had a bit of an epiphany today and saw quite a bit of the remainder of the story roll out before me like a path through the forest. That was a lovely feeling and I'm excited about it again.

I've come to the conclusion (once again) that I am simply not a journal-er. Not in the sense of really writing things that anyone outside possibly my family and very close friends would want to read. I come across these lovely blogs sometimes, that are so beautifully written and full of fascinating or thought-provoking things (like my friend Helen's, for instance). Whereas mine is more like a news report, and not very interesting news, at that.

I think it is a reflection of another personal trait--the fact that I'm not good at making conversation. Oh, I can fake small talk with ease, but you would notice if you were really paying attention that you wouldn't learn very much about me in the course of that small talk. My mother and sister and I have discussed this many times. Some people can tell you fascinating stories about themselves at the drop of a hat, while in my family we tend to think "no-one would be interested in my story about such-and-such. Of course I won't even mention it." We're very good listeners. Not so good talkers. And I think this plays out the same way in my blogging efforts. I simply don't know what to talk about, apart from brief mentions of how the writing is going, etc. etc. blah blah.

This seems a sorry situation for a writer. And my family has always told me I write lovely letters. So why doesn't it translate into journaling? I'll have to ponder on this. Maybe I should try to write one meaningful post a week to see if I can get the hang of it. Or maybe I'll just go and read my friends'. I don't have to be good at everything, right?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I'm interested what you say! Our perceptions of our own interestingness (?) often don't match reality. I think my blog is so amateurish and boring, I'm always saying to myself: "I have to improve!" I'm glad you find it interesting! I don't think of myself as a natural journal writer either. I have never written a diary and don't think I could. The blog feels different, somehow, although I haven't yet defined how. Please keep blogging! I want to keep reading.

9:35 AM  

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