Thursday, November 15, 2007

Today's List

I'm a list-maker. I use lists to keep me on track, to ensure that I'm not forgetting about important things, and I suppose to feel productive. I love crossing things off my lists. Sometimes when I do something that wasn't on the list, I write it on just so I can cross it off. I thought I'd share today's list:

* try to catch up on my word count, currently about 3000 words.
* prepare and send out a partial manuscript to an agent who requested it this week.
* upload photos to an alumni website.
* visit the local high school at lunchtime to speak with my young writers program NaNo'ers.
* send out a Scriptorium note telling subscribers the issue is up and explaining why there's no actual newsletter this month.
* take care of some "real life" paperwork.
* write a blog post.

Of course I haven't included meals, laundry, school chauffeuring...all that goes without saying. I suppose that's a whole other list, one that I don't write down because it would just be too depressing. I suppose I'd have lots to cross off every day, though...

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