Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Holiday Food

It's a little late, but I do have a couple of holiday food stories. The past couple of years I've bought a Gingerbread House kit and the kids and I have had fun making them up together. This year I bought one as usual, but it was met with lukewarm enthusiasm. I impulsively suggested that maybe instead of following the kit's instructions, we might branch out and make it into a castle instead. Now I had the enthusiasm, but no plan as to how to pull it off.

The kit is to make this:

...which looks more like a gatehouse than a castle. We studied the pre-cut gingerbread pieces, added a few embellishments, and here is what we created:

All we actually added was a tube from a wrapping paper roll, three ice cream cones, and some of those little round silver candies, which I'm sure have a proper name but it is unknown to me. With the turrets soaring and the erstwhile snowmen transformed into a princess and a knight, everyone was pleased with the results.

Since my friend Helen seems to be always posting lovely pictures of her culinary masterpieces, I thought I'd add this one of my own. Alas, this appetizer has no name (although we were somewhat unimaginatively calling them "Veggie Squares") but looks beautiful and tastes even better. What's more, they're very easy to make.

I made other things over the holidays, of course, but didn't have the presence of mind to snap a picture of them before they were devoured.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! The Gingerbread Castle is amazing! I especially like the princess - and her hair! Is the snowman wearing a watch?

Heh - my culinary masterpieces? I wish everyone else around here thought so. Certain people I know won't eat anything I make if it contains vegetables and just pick out the meat (and this person is not the one aged 13 months!) Your veggies squares look lovely.

5:07 PM  
Blogger Sherry said...

Heh. The veggie squares are so good you might get some vegetables into even the most recalcitrant eaters that way. I'll post the recipe in case you want to try it.

The princess's hair--quite the mass of auburn curls, isn't it? ;-) If you look at the snowman again you'll see he's actually a knight, complete with sword and helmet plume. We did have fun with them. But what will we do next year??

10:26 AM  

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