Monday, November 21, 2005

NaNoWriMo Report #3

mood: tired
music: none


I received one of my least favorite kinds of rejections today (I have favorite rejections? No, but definitely least favs). The kind that goes, "There was nothing really wrong with this story, it just didn't rise above others I've received recently." Now, I'm sure this is meant to be encouraging, but I find it discouraging. There's no hint of anything constructive I can do to make this story better. It's simply "not good enough." Talk about damning with faint praise. Maybe I shouldn't complain but...well, there it is.

I also got comments back on another story the other day that were very discouraging, although these were from a contest judge. He/she did vote "yes" to accept my story, but at the end of the comments wrote, "Yes, but just barely." Why the need to qualify that? Why do I need to know that my story just squeaked past the standard? That seems just weird to me.

Anyway, enough ranting. I've made my word count for the day and I'd like to get a little ahead, but I think I'm too tired. Maybe an early morning tomorrow...

One thing I learned today:


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