Wednesday, January 03, 2007


I had a glorious skate this afternoon at our local forum. I discovered just before the holidays that there is adult skating time three days a week just after lunchtime, which would fit in perfectly with my schedule as the kids are in school. I used to skate regularly twice a week when I was in university and I love skating, but haven't done it much in recent years, except for a couple of times with the kids. I decided I would check it out after school started up again, so I went off this afternoon.

It was quite wonderful--the most people on the ice at one time was five! The music provided was, I think, still the same tape they used to play when we'd go skating there as children, songs like "King of the Road," "Black Velvet Band," and "Wings of a Dove." They are good skating songs, though, and I was having a great time--until I fell.

These things happen so fast I still don't know what caused it, but one second I was skating and the next I was hitting the ice hard with my tailbone. I also banged up my elbow (although that didn't register at the time) and just barely conked my head on the ice. I sat right back up immediately and laughed, but a man was already skating over to help me up and ask if I was all right. Embarassing, but with only three or four witnesses it wasn't too bad. I'd been skating for almost an hour so maybe I was just getting tired. At any rate, I stayed on the ice for another ten minutes or so, then it was time to leave. Hopefully I won't be too sore tomorrow--it's a bit of a worry with my bad back, but I'll keep my fingers crossed. I was hoping to get back again on Friday if my muscles don't protest too much.

My best friend asked me once if I found it hard to go to this forum, as it's the building my father died in. He took a heart attack while playing hockey, when I was nineteen. At the time I told her no, because the few times I've been there with the kids since then I've really been too busy to think about it much. Today, though, I took a few minutes to consider the question, since it was quiet and a nice peaceful atmosphere. I decided that my initial answer was correct. Although I can never ignore that fact, it's also the place where we skated together as a family when we were small, and where I took figure skating lessons, and where my brothers played a bit of hockey...all good things. It's actually a place I like. Hopefully I'll be able to spend more time there this winter doing something I love.


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