Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Back to the Doctor...

Tomorrow I'm going back to the doctor about this seemingly never-ending bug I've been fighting for three weeks now. I thought it would simply run its course but I'm no better than I was a week ago, when I finished my course of antibiotics. Argh! I'm so frustrated at being so tired all the time and constantly congested!

Surprisingly, although this is the time of year when I am usually facing down a bout of seasonal depression, I haven't been troubled that way at all. I would have expected that being sick would have brought it on full bore, but that hasn't happened, despite the sudden descent of winter and very cold temperatures. I can't explain this, but I'm grateful for it.

The third phase of the rewrite (a complete line edit) is going slowly but surely. I definitely made the right decision in tackling this work before giving the manuscript to my next reader. Tonight I plan to get some of the members of my writer's group to have a look at the first chapter for me, as I'm using it as the required writing sample for the workshop I'm taking next month. I want as much feedback as possible before I hand it in to the instructor.

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