Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Blinking in the light

My last post actually gave some indication of the way things were headed for me, although I wasn't anticipating several days in bed! Those daggers in my throat presaged a bad case of sinusitis unlike anything I've experienced before. I'm still recovering and not back up to speed, but at least I didn't have to go back to bed yesterday and I think there's a slight improvement again today. Whew!

Sadly, the rewrite has stalled as I've been unable to think clearly enough to work on it--but I think probably tomorrow I'll get back to it. I'll have lost a week, which is too bad, but the deadline is luckily my own and therefore flexible. And it's still waiting here patiently on my desk, right where I left it...

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you're feeling completely better now, Sherry. My husband suffers badly from sinusitus. His sinuses squeak! I am sure that is more details than you need to know but ooh!! When I heard it for the first time I realised why he was in so much pain.

Sometimes a break can be a huge benefit. If I try to soldier on, when I'm ill, it's counter productive because I have to go back over what I've done and it takes twice as long! But if I'd only taken a break I would have looked at the ms with fresh eyes.

11:37 PM  
Blogger Sherry said...

Thanks, Helen, but sadly, I'm still battling it. Now I think I have a 'flu as well and the sinusitis was "piggybacking" on it. So the one thing is almost better but I'm still fighting the 'flu. I can tell you, I'm sick of being sick!

The most I'm doing with the rewrite in inputting markups from my hard copy to the computer file, and not much of that. Oh well, surely it can't last forever!

5:15 PM  

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