Monday, January 15, 2007

Pure Evil

Here's a product that can't really be described in any other way: candy-tipped cigarillos. Unbelievable. They come in twelve different flavours, obviously to appeal to young people, and have managed to worm through a couple of legal loopholes with regard to packaging. Cigarettes must be packaged in a larger size and display the health warning labels, but cigars fall under different rules. Being cigars and sold in smaller packages, they do not have to carry the labels (which is something that I think should be changed), so these appear in brightly colored packaging that really has the appearance of a "treat."

I'm sure it's no coincidence that there are so many flavours: by the time one tries them all (the obvious ploy) many people will have developed an addiction.

It's a sad commentary on the fact that the drive to make money supersedes all considerations of ethics or morality.

The USA Tobacco Company should be completely ashamed of themselves. I was going to link to their site but why give them a Google boost?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I get so depressed when companies blatantly put money before health and commonsense. Let's face it, governments could simply refuse to sell cigarettes but they don't because they make so much from the taxes.

Another thing that gets to me is weight-loss obsession in the media. I feel as if I can't escape from diet programmes, books, magazine articles and "information", yet at the same time we're bombarded with adverts for unhealthy fattening food. I get very cynical about the media and big business sometimes.

10:35 PM  
Blogger Sherry said...

I get very cynical about the media and big business MOST of the time. ;-) But the unfortunate thing is that most people seem to go around completely oblivious to what's really going on. (sigh)

11:36 AM  

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