Ten Signs A Book Was Written By Me
This writerly meme is making its way around and although I haven't been specifically tagged I have been generally tagged in the "if you read this consider yourself tagged" sense. ;-) So here goes:
1. It is either science fiction, fantasy, or some weird genre mix like SF/F/Mystery.
2. The protagonist is almost certainly female.
3. The protagonist almost certainly has a quirky sense of humor. If not her, then someone in her immediate circle, or several someones.
4. The first draft was 99.9% likely to have been written during National Novel Writing Month.
5. It has a happy ending for at least some of the characters, if not most (excluding villains).
6. It's very unlikely (though not impossible) that any of the main characters will die.
7. It will contain either aliens or sentient/talking animals. Possibly both.
8. It is not heavy on description.
9. It is not longer than 100,000 words, and more likely to come in around 80k.
10. No-one ever sits around talking for more than a few pages at a time.