Thursday, November 20, 2003

And the clouds parted...

mood: tired but happy
music: George Winston, Plains
A miraculous thing happened tonight while I was making supper--the rest of my novel (or most of it, anyway) fell into place in my head. Poof! Like magic! I realized how I could solve the overarching problem facing the characters, and how things I'd banged into the novel earlier on a whim could all click together--almost like I'd planned it! Wow, what an epiphany. Isn't the subconscious a wonderful thing? Now if I can just hang onto it all and make it work without realizing there's some big gaping hole I hadn't thought about...

Reached the 35k mark tonight so am feeling that I'm in good shape to finish on schedule and that the first draft will fit nicely into the allotted number of words. Had a lovely chat about the whole process with my fellow Wrimo and good friend Nancy, and came away feeling quite inspired. We're both having a very different novel-writing experience than we did last year, and it's nice to know that one is not alone. So on that happy to bed.


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