Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Good progress

mood: confident
music: none

Tonight I'm up to page 97, the start of Ch. 8, of the read-through of my novel. I'm making lots of notes and doing line editing as things strike me, and I'm still trying to decide what changes I will end up making to the plot. I have various ideas floating around, but none of them have completely gelled yet. I'm pleased with the progress, though.

We had a great writing group meeting tonight--worked out the details of who's doing what for the reading and had some great discussions. We also finished up our mini critiquing workshop, and the consensus was that it was very helpful. Must try to find some more similar projects for us. I handed out three stories for critiques, so we'll see what folks have to say in two weeks' time. I might be able to think about getting them in the mail sometime soon.

Still have this "Mushrooms" idea spinning around in my head, too, but it's not quite to the writing-down point yet. No doubt the election coverage will provide some fodder for the plot.

One thing I learned today: In contemporary geek terminology, a computer is called a "square headed girlfriend" (or boyfriend). I guess in my husband's case I would call it his "square headed mistress."


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