Monday, May 17, 2004

Rats! (the expletive, not the rodents)

mood: blah
music: Soak up the Sun - Sheryl Crow

So it's a rejection day, hence the expletive. This one had been so long at a market that usually has fairly quick turnarounds that, well, I had dared to hope. But no luck. Gotta try and stick to the 24-hour turnaround rule, but I fear I'm out of postage. Better rectify that in a hurry...

Very cool article here about futuristic technology becoming current. One of the inivisibility cloaks would come in handy when I'm trying to hide out and write...

On a brighter note, the novel editing is going well. Slowly, but well.

One thing I learned today:
More than one billion birds a year crash into buildings in the US every year. Mirrored office blocks are a particular hazard. (BBC News)


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