Thursday, January 04, 2007

How do YOU spell procrastination?

I originally said that I would begin the rewrite of The Seventh Crow on January 2nd. Well, on the 1st I did gather all my notes and printouts and maps together in preparation. Then I realized that the 2nd was really the last day of the kids' school vacation and we should do something fun, and so it was the last day of my vacation too, so the rewrite could wait another day.

Yesterday I went to start it and realized that I needed a new printout, because I'd made some changes since the last time I printed it out. That actually took me most of the morning, for some reason. Then I went skating in order to fulfill my other goal (to get back in shape), and then it was after school and homework and last night I was tired...

Then today the kids were both home sick so I spent the morning making chicken soup and coddling them, and most of the afternoon too, so then needed to relax after supper and worked on my colored pencil and listened to podcasts until it was time to get the kids to bed...

And then I sat down to work. I did, I really did start. Only two days late, and it felt wonderful. I read up to page 41 and made loads of edits and notes already. If it's true that "Well begun is half done," then I'm well on the way.

Okay, okay, I know it's only page 41. I'm just trying to stay positive.

Oh yes, and in the aftermath of my skating fall, there were very few parts of me that were not sore today. Very, very few.

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