Sunday, January 07, 2007

Rewrite progress

The first read-through is still going well. I'm making lots of notes and markups, although I haven't come across any major problems yet, which is a good thing. I'm about a third of the way through. I'm taking Holly Lisle's good advice to use a different color pen each day for markups and notes. It makes it easier to find the places that the notes match up to.

On the other creative side, I had a brilliant idea the other day. The four of us are all going to attempt to do Illustration Friday for the year. We all want to do more drawing and this seemed like a fun (no-pressure!) project we could all do together. I'm thinking I'm going to do all ATC size--that's 2.5 x 3.5 inches. I love working in the small size and it makes the project more manageable. I'll be posting the results either here or on my art blog. I find doing art so relaxing, especially when I have a big writing project on the go.

It's extremely windy here today, although not terribly cold. We're having rain instead of snow, and fairly mild temperatures. Usually the winter would have come howling in once the holidays were over, but it's definitely a different kind of season this year.

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